Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This will go hand in hand with my Etsy shop, which is bound to open any day now. That's the reason this mysterious blog exists at this moment.


  1. I wanted to tell you thank you for your dear sweet comments on my blog... I can't tell you enough how it touches my heart. It is very comforting to know that even others who don't know me at all are praying for me and my dear family. We appreciate it sooo much.

    I can't believe how much we have been being blessed lately after Kolby's accident. It is hard and painful and I know it will always be full of pain... but I want to tell you that it really is comforting to know that others do really care. You have touched me deeply and I can't thank you enough for sharing your heart and feelings with me and my husband (Bryon). I know it means a lot to him too. I am more worried about him than myself. He went through a rough divorce before I met him and was hurt badly through it. He has a 7 year old little boy, Conner, whom my husband hardly ever gets to see or spend time with because of living in a different state. So, in a weird sense... to him it seems like he has not only lost Kolby but has also lost Conner too.

    Along with his first marriage ending in divorce, it has been something that Bryon has had no idea how to deal with. He has never seeked help and I worry about that because I don't think he believes he needs it. I feel that he has been hit with so many horrible things to deal with that I cannot imagine having to go through myself. I believe I would completely fall apart. He definitely has to be the stronger one of us. I just can't believe the trials he has been faced with in his own life along with his mom and dad. It's amazing how much their family has gone through and even still continues to face everyday.

    Anyway, sorry to keep going on, it's just nice to be able to talk to someone other than just posting on my blog all the time!

    All my Love,

    Cassie Weske

  2. Hello dearest Cassie!
    Sorry I am so late in responding but this blog is so new and never expected any comments in it.
    Oh, it warms my heart to see a response from you!!! I almost started crying but needed to hold myself together to be able to respond back.
    I am so sorry to hear about what Byron is going through. I cannot even imagine this pain... despite the blessings.
    I am so grateful that you responded back and did not brush me off for feeling anything in regards to your story. I can tell you from my very heart that I will be here. I will be right here for you. If you ever needed anything. Anything at all.
    I will always pray for you and Byron. For Kolby. For Connor.
    Cassie, I wish I could make you feel better. Yet thank you for taking my words to your heart. I have enclosed you in mine. *hugs*

    Love and faith,
